Faith-Based RSOs


Faith-based Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are student-led groups with the purpose of enriching our faith life on campus through their various ministries. Below is a list of the RSOs affiliated with Campus Ministry.



We are a group of students committed to inspiring the faith in the youth of the community. The group plans and facilitates retreats for middle-school and high-school youth from area schools and parishes. Contact Leah Green at for more information.

Catholic Student Fellowship

Our group focuses on living out Acts 2:42, “They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer,” by entering into prayer through the Mass and Adoration followed by fellowship through games and food. Contact Laura Krueger at for more information.


CAVA focuses on community service to benefit both the Aquinas College and Grand Rapids community. It functions as a way to get Aquinas students excited and energized about volunteering while connecting students to various service opportunities. Contact Faith Addington at for more information.

campus ministry