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(Grand Rapids, Mich.) – The Aquinas College Contemporary Writers Series presents author Luis Alberto Urrea. The author of fourteen books, Urrea has published extensively in many genres and has received several prestigious awards, including an Edgar Award and Lannan Literary Award, and was a Pulitzer Prize finalist. Collectively, his books The Devil’s Highway, The Hummingbird’s Daughter and his 2008 novel Into the Beautiful North have been chosen by more than thirty different cities and colleges across the country for One Book community read programs.

Born in Tijuana, Mexico to a Mexican father and an American mother, Urrea grew up in San Diego, CA. He served as a relief worker in the Tijuana garbage dumps while a young man, prior to receiving a teaching Fellowship to Harvard University. “The border” has defined his life and colored much of his writing. Urrea has taught at Massachusetts Bay Community College, the University of Colorado, and the University of Louisiana-Lafayette. Urrea is currently a professor of creative writing at the University of Illinois-Chicago.

Aquinas College Contemporary Writers Series presents: Luis Alberto Urrea
Free and open to the public
Date/Time: April 15, 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Location: Aquinas College, Wege Ballroom, 1607 Robinson Road S.E., Grand Rapids, MI, 49506