Marcia Brixey, popular finance speaker, will provide insights into key life financial decisions

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(Grand Rapids, Mich.) – The Jane Hibbard Idema Women’s Studies Center at Aquinas College is proud to host Marcia Brixey, speaker and self-described “money therapist.” Brixey, who spent 26 years working for the Social Security Administration, has taken her extensive knowledge of finance on the road to provide insight into the ins and outs of financial decisions. Brixey is the author of "The Money Therapist: A Woman's Guide to Creating a Healthy Financial Life" (Seal Press).

Marcia Brixey: "The Money Therapist is in the House"

Date/Time: Monday, November 5, 7 p.m.

Location: Wege Center Ballroom

Cost: Free and open to the public

Description: Thousands of women and men deal with difficult financial decisions every day, and Ms. Brixey is here to help get through the struggle. Learn about financial common sense, how to get out of debt, understand what a credit score really means, and much more.