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GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN (December 10, 2003) - "Creed, Code
Cult: Challenges to the Catholic Church" is the name of the two-session course Bishop Britt will be teaching at the Aquinas Emeritus College. The course will explore the challenges facing the Catholic Church focusing on its history, the Catechism and key teachings of the Church. The first session on Tuesday, January 13, 2:00-4:00 p.m., is titled, "A Brief History; Importance of the Second Vatican Council; Promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992); A Walk through the Catechism. Its purpose; Why the new catechism was needed; The Big Picture; How it's presented; How it's meant to be used." The two sessions will be held in Room 141 of Lacks Center, 159 Woodward Lane, S.E.

"Key Teachings of the Church
Challenges to Creed, Code
Cult: Revelation
Faith; A Trinity of Persons; God as Father, The Fall; God the Son; The Redemption; God the Holy Spirit; the Church; Liturgy and Sacraments; Christian Morality; Mary and the Last Things; Prayer" is the second session and will be on Tuesday, January 20, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Fee: $35

Bishop Britt was appointed as coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Grand Rapids by Pope John Paul II in 2002. He became the tenth bishop of the Diocese of Grand Rapids upon the retirement of Bishop Robert J. Rose in 2003.

Other offerings included in the Aquinas Emeritus January Sampler are:

Contemporary Issues in Health Care, Lody Zwarensteyn, M.A., president, Alliance for Health. Mondays, January 12 and 19.

This course will examine the health care system, its responsibilities and current issues in view of the existing health care climate. Zwarensteyn brings 30 years of experience in community health plan development to the discussion. Fee: $35

Portraiture, David LaClaire, president, LaClaire Portraiture, Inc. Monday, January 12.

The one-session course will cover a wide range of topics and knowledge gleaned during LaClaire's 53 years of practicing portrait photography. His discussion will include the evolution of photography, portrait basics, how to judge portraits and reasons for portraiture. Fee: $20

"SNAFU" (Situation Normal All Fouled Up), from 12-7-41 to 12-9-45, Francisco M. Vega, president, Calder Services, Inc.

Tuesday, January 13 and 20. Vega will review his personal recollections and experiences as a decorated veteran of World War II, through film presentation, discussion and commentary. Fee: $35

Cuba and Castro, David Strak, Ph.D., Grand Valley State University. Tuesdays, January 13 and 20.

Cuba is often perceived in starkly black and white terms - either as the site of one of Latin America's most successful revolutions or as the repressive regime that is the world's last bastion of communism.

All of the classes except the class with Bishop Britt are held in Browne Center, 2001 Robinson Road, S.E. The deadline for registration for the classes is January 9. To register or for more information, please call (616) 632-2430.