SAMPLER 37 Guidelines for Submission

Aquinas College students are invited to submit POETRY (no imitation or scaffolded poems, please) SHORT FICTION, SCRIPT and CREATIVE NONFICTION for the annual student literary and art publication, SAMPLER.

Deadline: Sunday, January 25, 2025, at midnight.

Submit no more than three original unpublished works (mixed genres OK). All works are limited to no more than three double-space typed pages.

How to Submit Your Work (Electronic submissions only)


  1. Using Microsoft Word and Times New Roman font, 12pt, format your piece exactly how you wish it to appear in the publication (indentations, centering, etc.)
  2. Do not put your name on the piece. Only the title.
  3. Save your piece on your computer or flash drive with the following file name format: SAMPLER_Title of Piece.doc [example: SAMPLER_It is Raining.doc]


  1. Fill out the submission form according to directions found on this page;
  2. You will receive an automatic e-mail confirmation of your submission.
  3. You must fill out a separate submission form for each piece you submit.
  4. You must submit your submission electronically. No paper submissions are permitted.

What Happens Next:

  • An editorial board comprised of Sigma Tau Delta members and faculty will select works to be included in SAMPLER 37
  • Students whose works have been selected for publication will be notified before the publication goes to press.

Submit your work


Dr. Dan Mancilla